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1 How to buy Cardano (ADA)


There are many brokers to buy Cardano (ADA) from. In this tutorial we will be using Coinbase.


Coinbase is a very simple and easy to use broker that you can also earn free crypto from by participating in short videos and quizzes.



Once you have signed up and created an account by filling in all the necessary information the next step would be to log into your account. From here you will want to click on the “Trade” tab and locate Cardano on their list of crypto currencies.


When you click on Cardano you will be brought to Cardano’s profile on Coinbase. Here you can choose how much you wish to purchase.


After you have selected how much you wish to invest into Cardano you will see a screen that shows how much you will be receiving as well as the transaction fee. You can choose to pay for it directly from you bank. You’ll want to see a message saying that you can send the full amount of ADA instantly as highlighted below. If you do this through the Coinbase phone app you will more than likely have to wait a few days before you can send your Cardano ADA coins out of you Coinbase wallet.


Now that you have purchased your Cardano you now need to wait a minute or 2 for it to become available in your account. By clicking “wallet” you can send your coins to your soon to be Daedalus wallet. That will be the wallet that you can stake you Cardano coins with to receive ADA rewards and also enter the Pixel Tile raffle.


2 Creating a Daedalus wallet and entering the Pixel Tile raffle


IMPORTANT: This tutorial uses Daedalus as an example, but staking and rewards work with other wallets that support Cardano staking and native assets, like Yoroi.

Now that you have some Cardano ADA coins then next step would be to create a Daedalus wallet.


To do this you will need to download it off their main website onto your computer. The installation process will take a couple of hours to do as it will be installing a fully functional node on your computer to ensure reliability and security.


Once the Daedalus wallet program has been installed and is fully synced up then you will be ready to make you first wallet. Sometimes a red screen may appear saying the timer is off. This can be fixed by going into your computer clock settings and clicking the “sync” button. Click the “Create” button to continue.


Here you will create you wallet and set the transaction password. The wallet name doesn’t matter but the password will be required to be used each time you wish to transfer your Cardano ADA from the wallet.


This will be your recovery phase incase anything happens to the computer you have this wallet on. If the computer dies or you no longer have access to it then this phrase will allow you to recover the wallet on a different computer.


The recovery phrase you get is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. Do not lose it and do not make it easy to find. A helpful method is to create a story/essay/poem from the words given. It can pretty much be considered a secret code hidden in plain sight, just make sure not to forget it!


In your newly created wallet you will be able to see several receiving addresses. This address can be used by others to send you ADA and will be used for when withdrawing ADA from Coinbase.


To withdraw ADA from Coinbase you can either copy and paste the receiving address to the “To” section on Coinbase or you can use the coinbase app and send the coins using the QR code on the Daedalus wallet. To copy the address or to see the QR code click on “share” button on the Daedalus wallet receiving address. Once you have sent your Cardano coins to the Daedalus wallet you will be ready to start staking your Cardano ADA and enter the raffle.

3 How to stake ADA with DND


To see the staking pools on Daedalus you will need to click on the tab to the far left, second one down. From there you will click the tab “Staking Pools”. From there type in “DND” in the search bar, This is the abbreviation (a.k.a. ticker symbol) for the Drunken Dragon Pool. Once you see it you will then click on it and press the “delegate to this pool” button.


After following the steps shown then you will be officially be delegating to the Drunken Dragon Pool and will be set to be added into the raffle after the next full Epoch.


Rewards are sent automatically out when the raffle drawing happens, When you receive your NFT/CNFT it will show up as shown below.

When is the raffle?


Every 1st and 15th of the month.

Can’t wait for the raffle?


You can buy packs here then!


4 How to view my NFT’s


Use Smaug Pool’s tool, you can simply copy any of your “receiving wallets” from Daedalus and append it on the URL address like so:

Imagine one of your Daedalus receiving addresses is addr1q97yag0kmf5zhy2jtcw4kpwme93a5n6r6lw64ch6fmueuv8lzzaq6vf0y09z2ksj00zkmvxcpmx68ftk5lrsvnglasqqffhknm

then you append it to the like this:


5 How to use my NFT’s


Currently the game is still in development. We will keep you up to date in our news posts here and on our Discord channel.
